Quitting your job and jet-setting across the world may seem like a dream. But one seasoned globetrotter has now warned that travelling isn’t always the ‘happily ever after’ you may expect, after quitting her six-figure job for jam-packed excursions and sunshine beaches.

The influencer, known only as ‘Lina’ (@thosedangparkers), said: “I recently quit my job, seven months ago, and I left a multiple six-figure job to travel the world thinking that I was going to be so much happier, so let’s talk about it.

“I just want to start off, I am happier, but there are so many things that I didn’t realise going into this lifestyle that people should know and not assume like on social media, that it’s all dandy, everything’s going to be fixed, you can run away from your problems and they all are gone.”

First thing’s first, your problems don’t just vanish the second you set foot in a different country. Although Lina had set up businesses and investments to support her travels, she was occasionally forced to go home when urgent matters needed in-person care.

This hasn’t always been ideal, but she claims it’s taught her to be more creative and innovative with her approach to business, as now most procedures are automated. Moving on to her second point, she said: “I’m so glad I didn’t realise this later in life, I’m so happy to realise that I am not a materialistic person and living this lifestyle of being very nomadic you don’t need a lot of things to be happy.

“I’m 29 years old and I can’t tell you when the last time I’ve been this happy, this fulfilled [was]. With less income, less things but more experiences and more fulfilment.”

Last but not least, Lina drew to loneliness. While you may assume it stems from travelling with just her partner across the world, this actually wasn’t the case at all.

Instead, Lina claims the loneliness kicks in when visiting home. “You come back to a community with your family and friends where that mindset isn’t as common,” she said. “But it’s ok, I think I’ve personally struggled with that coming back home to the US and being surrounded by that constant pursuit of money, money, money in the US especially.

“But I think what I rationalise with myself is that I’m back as a new person and I just have more clarity in what I want out of life and, to be honest, I take with a grain of salt the advice or the feedback that I take now or that I’m given from friends and family that don’t live the life that I personally want to live. And I’m glad.”

Unsurprisingly, this was met with plenty of comments on TikTok, with many full-time travellers also echoing her thoughts. One person wrote: “I’ve been a full-timer for 16 years and as time goes you reject the idea of house, taking care of you becomes a must and missing people is long gone. You do have clarity as you said. Keep going.”

Another added: “Same. Cannot relate to family and friends who live the ‘normal’ life and want the big house and nice stuff,” as someone else chimed in: “Relating to this so hard. my wife and I went travelling for 4 months quitting our jobs. When we came back, it’s so crazy to see how little I needed to be happy.”

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